Restart Device
The device supports downlink commands to restart the device, the application port is 50 by default.
0a (Reboot)
1 Byte, Uint8 01 => Reboot the device
0b (Restart)
1 Byte, Uint8
01 => Restart the LoRaWAN Interface.
To restart the LoRaWAN interface you send the following HEX payload over fPort 50.
Device Configuration
The device supports downlink commands to configure the working of the device, and control the relay outputs.
The application port for sending the device configuration is fPort 50
CT1 (Primary CT)
2 Bytes, Uint 16
Set the primary current transformer ratio (value between 0-9999).
CT2 (Secondary CT)
1 Byte, Uint 8
Set the secondary current transformer ratio (value between 0-5).
VT1 (Primary VT)
4 Bytes, Uint 32
Set the primary voltage transformer ratio (value between 30-500000).
VT2 (Secondary VT)
2 Byte, Uint 16
Set the secondary voltage transformer ratio (value between 30-500).
CT Inverse
Set the Current Transformers as inverse. (if the current transformers are installed in the wrong direction)
To set the channel 1 output to on and disable the button function override for channel 1 you send the following HEX payload over fPort 50.
Device Parameter Reading
The device supports downlink commands to read its readable parameters, the application port is 100 by default.
CC (Read Parameter)
Maximum of 10 parameter types (only readable parameters)
To read the model, serial number and battery percentage you send the following HEX payload over fPort 100.
Read data logger
The device supports reading the contents of the datalogger using a downlink on fPort 12. The downlink will result in a series of uplinks containing the datalogger entries.
Restart the LoRaWAN Interface.
0C (Read data logger)
01 => Read
Periodic Transmissions
Device Data
The device allows for configuration of the registers that should be sent and in which interval by using a downlink message.
There are 5 “slots” available for this configuration which are represented by the fPorts 1-5 Each slot can take 10 registers, this means that a total of 50 registers can be send over the LoRaWAN interface.
The lower slots have a higher priority. The device comes with a “Default Uplink” configured on fPort 1. All downlink commands should be send to the Application port, which the configuration is for
If a configuration downlink is send to fPort 1, the default uplink is overwritten!
Uplink Configuration
YOBIIQ advises you to use the official Device Codec to configure the downlinks, it allows you to configure downlinks by using the names of the registers you want to include.
To configure the periodic uplinks by the device you can send a downlink to fPort 1 to 5. Each fPort can hold 10 register id’s.
If confirmed mode is off, the device will send a package 1 time; if confirmed mode is on, the device will resend a package maximum of 3 times if it does not get an acknowledgement from the network.
14 (Interval)
1 Byte, Uint 8
Set the interval of the uplink, in minutes.
15 (Confirmed)
1 Byte, Uint 8
Confirmed mode off => 0 or confirmed mode on => 1
16 (Active)
1 Byte, Uint 8
Set the status of the fPort : inactive => 0 or active => 1
17 (Registers)
Maximum of 10 registers to include in the uplink.
To configure the device to sample the consumption every 5 minutes, transmit every 4 hours with a treshold of 10 without including internal sensors you send the following HEX payload over fPort 100.
Last updated