Functional Description
Smoke Detection
The smoke detector works on the principle of .....
Radio Modules
The SD-1001 is equipped with 2 radio modules allowing LoRaWAN and BLE communication. Sending and Receiving is a cycle of high power consumption and can drain the battery in a very short period of time. For this reason we have implemented a sleep mode for the radio module, and disabled BLE communication when no mains power is available.
Sleeping Mode
The device is designed to enter a deep sleeping mode for power saving, this is done because the communication modules consume a lot of power.
The BLE module will only work when AC power is available on the device! If you need to configure the smoke detector using the BLE module you can press and hold the alarm button for 10 seconds, the module will then be activated for 10 minutes.
The device will enter sleep mode under the following circumstances;
When the device is joined in a LoRaWAN Network
The device will go into deep sleep mode after it’s joined on a network, the device will wake up every Reporting Interval to send an uplink or if the device goes into an alarm state.
When not joined in a LoRaWAN® Network
The device will go into deep sleep mode after the network joining cycle.
Network Join Cycle
At first mounting to the backplate, the device will automatically start its join procedure. The join procedure is defined as follows:
Device will send out a join request and wait for join accept.
If no join response is received by the device, it will repeat sending a join request every minute, max. 4 further transmissions (5 join requests in total) During the join procedure the Green LED of the device indicates the result of the join procedure: Fast blinking Green LED indicates that the device did not receive a join accept so far during the join procedure Slow blinking Green LED indicates that a join accept was received
Join procedure ends after 20 minutes, whether a join accept was received or not
If no join accept was received during the join procedure, the device will send one join request every 24 hours until a join accept is received. The Green LED does not indicate these later join attempts. If the device fails to join the network, please check the configuration of the devices and consult your gateway or platform log files
Last updated