LoRaWAN Communication


The LoRaWAN Interface is in compliance with the LoRa Alliance specifications, and is based on the LoRa transmission standards.

Using the LoRa protocol the device can reliably transmit data over large distances without permanent communication.

The interface constantly adapts to the optimal transmit and receive parameters individually to ensure a stable and reliable link to the LoRaWAN Gateway.

The status of the link to the LoRaWAN network is shown on the device’s display.

  • The LoRaWAN interface is compatible with LoRaWAN V1.0.2 and is a Class C

  • The required parameters and configuration of the LoRaWAN interface are permanently saved inside the device.

All devices are delivered with OTAA mode enabled, the DevEUI of the device is listed on the package and on the device itself.


The Customer is responsible for a working LoRaWAN Infrastructure, a typical LoRaWAN infrastructure consists out of;

  • LoRaWAN Gateway

  • Network Server

If needed YOBIIQ can support customer with the selection and configuration of the infrastructure, this however is not covered by the normal support coverage.

YOBIIQ also supplies a turn-key LoRaWAN Infrastructure if Customer has no experience with the required infrastructure.

(Re)Join Requests

The LoRaWAN interface will perform automatic rejoin requests to the network as configured.

A Rejoin requests will always be sent once every 24 hours, this will allow for easy migrations to another LoRaWAN network.

As long as the device is not connected to a LoRaWAN network, the interface regularly tries to connect to a LoRaWAN network.

These Join requests occur randomly in a ~10 min time period to counteract bandwidth problems if multiple devices are in the same network.

Device Payloads

All data are based on following format(HEX), the Data field should follow big-endian:

Channel 1
Type 1
Data 1
Channel 2
Type 2
Data 2

1 Byte

1 Byte

N Bytes

1 Byte

1 Byte

N Bytes

Basic Information

The device sends basic information upon joining a network, and after a reboot.

The basic information is sent over fPort 50


09 (Hardware Version)

01 00 => V1.00

0a (Software Version)

01 00 => V1.00

16 (Device SN)

14 digit serial number

0f (Device Type)

00 : Class A, 01: Class B, 02: Class C

0b (Power Event)

00 : AC Power Off, 01: AC Power On

Device Data

The SD1001 reports device data according to the Reporting Intverval (24 hours by default). If an alarm status changes the device will send an uplink immediately.



75 (Battery Level)

UINT8, Unit %


0b (Power Event)

00 : AC Power Off, 01: AC Power On


00 (Low Battery Alarm)

00 : Normal, 01 : Alarm


00 (Fault Alarm)

00 : Normal, 01 : Alarm


00 (Smoke Alarm)

00 : Normal, 01 : Alarm


00 (Interconnect Alarm)

00 : Normal, 01 : Alarm

Downlink Commands

Device Configuration

The device supports downlink commands to configure the device, the application port is 50 by default.



03 (Set Reporting Interval)

2 bytes, unit : minutes

00 (Test Smoke Detector)

00 : disregard, 01: Test Alarm The test alarm will sound the buzzer for 30 seconds, and then return to normal state.

0a (Silence Buzzer)

2 Bytes, unit: minutes

Represents the time the buzzer needs to be silence if a real smoke alarm is detected.

Last updated